The Collaboration Superpowers Podcast

Marcus Rosenthal and Jeff Goldsmith from Revolve Robotics show off the KUBI, the world's first portable video teleconference device! We discuss how KUBI is changing the definition of what it means to have a remote presence. For more about KUBI and other stories, visit

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CET

Peter Hilton is a software developer, writer, speaker, and trainer. We discuss the necessity of meeting face-to-face, using tools, training new staff and clients, and the need for typing faster. For more stories (and to pre-order our book on remote collaboration), pleast visit

Direct download: 017_CollaborationSuperpowers_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CET

Luke Hohmann is the Founder and CEO of Conteneo, Inc. (formerly, The Innovation Games® Company). In this conversation, we dive deeply into what collaboration actually is and means - and why games are an important way to solve big problems. For more stories, visit

Direct download: 016-CollaborationSuperpowers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CET

AgileBill Krebs is a virtual worlds guru. Virtual worlds may seem overly techie and nerdy to some, but they are undeniably powerful learning tools and certainly worth exploring. For more stories and training, visit

Direct download: 015-CollaborationSuperpowers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CET

Laura Rooke is one of the best remote technical support gurus you could ever hope to have on your team. She started her career in remote working so she could be a stay-at-home Mom. She has a great story and even better tips! For more stories, visit

Direct download: 014-CollaborationSuperpowers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CET